pymesync - Communicate with a TimeSync API

This module provides an interface to communicate with an implementation of the OSU Open Source Lab‘s TimeSync API. An implementation of the TimeSync API, built in Node.js, can be found at

This module allows users to

  • Authenticate a pymesync object with a TimeSync implementation (authenticate())
  • Send times, projects, activities, and users to TimeSync (create_time(), create_project(), create_activity(), create_user()),
  • Update times, projects, activities, and users (update_time(), update_project(), update_activity(), update_user())
  • Get one or a list of times projects, activities, and users (get_times(), get_projects(), get_activities(), get_users())
  • Delete an object in the TimeSync database (delete_time(), delete_project(), delete_activity(), delete_user())

Pymesync currently supports the following TimeSync API versions:

  • v1

All of these methods return a python dictionary (or a list of zero or more python dictionaries in the case of the get_* methods).

  • authenticate(username, password, auth_type) - Authenticates a pymesync object with a TimeSync implementation

  • create_time(time) - Sends time to TimeSync baseurl set in constructor
  • create_project(project) - Send new project to TimeSync
  • create_activity(activity) - Send new activity to TimeSync
  • create_user(user) - Send a new user to TimeSync

  • update_time(time, uuid) - Update time entry specified by uuid
  • update_project(project, slug) - Update project specified by slug
  • update_activity(activity, slug) - Update activity specified by slug
  • update_user(user, username) - Update user specified by username

  • get_times(query_parameters) - Get times from TimeSync
  • get_projects(query_parameters) - Get project information from TimeSync
  • get_activities(query_parameters) - Get activity information from TimeSync
  • get_users(username=None) - Get user information from TimeSync

  • delete_time(uuid) - Delete time entry from TimeSync
  • delete_project(slug) - Delete project record from TimeSync
  • delete_activity(slug) - Delete activity record from TimeSync
  • delete_user(username) - Delete user record from TimeSync

Install pymesync

Pymesync is on PyPi, so you can simply pip install pymesync. We recommend you use virtualenv, like so:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install pymesync

Initiate and Authenticate a TimeSync object

To access pymesync’s public methods you must first initiate a TimeSync object

import pymesync

ts = pymesync.TimeSync(baseurl="")
ts.authenticate(username="user", password="password", auth_type="password")


  • baseurl is a string containing the url of the TimeSync instance you will communicate with. This must include the version endpoint (example "")
  • user is a string containing the username of the user communicating with TimeSync
  • password is a string containing the user’s password
  • auth_type is a string containing the type of authentication your TimeSync implementation uses for login, such as "password", or "ldap".

You can also optionally include a token in the constructor like so:

import pymesync

ts = pymesync.TimeSync(baseurl="", token="SOMETOKENYOUGOTEARLIER")
# ts.authenticate() is not required

This is handy when state is not kept between different parts of your system, but you don’t want to have to re-authenticate your TimeSync objectfor every section of code.


If you attempt to get, create, or update objects before authenticating, pymesync will return this error (get methods will return this error nested in a list):

{"pymesync error": "Not authenticated with TimeSync, call self.authenticate() first"}


Pymesync returns errors the same way it returns successes for whatever method is in use. This means that most of the time errors are returned as a Python dictionary, except in the case of get methods. If the error is a local pymesync error, the key for the error message will be "pymesync error". If the error is from TimeSync, the dictionary will contain the same keys described in the TimeSync error documentation, but as a python dictionary.

If there is an error connecting with the TimeSync instance specified by the baseurl passed to the pymesync constructor, the error will also contain the status code of the response.

An example for a method that returns a dict within a list:

[{"pymesync error": "connection to TimeSync failed at baseurl - response status was 502"}]

The same error returned from a method that returns a single dict:

{"pymesync error": "connection to TimeSync failed at baseurl - response status was 502"}

Public methods

These methods are available to general TimeSync users with applicable user roles on the projects they are submitting times to.

TimeSync.authenticate(user, password, auth_type)

Authenticate a pymesync object with a TimeSync implementation. The authentication is subject to any time limits imposed by that implementation.

user is a string containing the username of the user communicating with TimeSync

password is a string containing the user’s password

auth_type is a string containing the type of authentication your TimeSync implementation uses for login, such as "password", or "ldap".

authenticate() will return a python dictionary. If authentication was successful, the dictionary will look like this:

{"token": "SOMELONGTOKEN"}

If authentication was unsuccessful, the dict will contain an error message:

{"status": 401, "error": "Authentication failure", "text": "Invalid username or password"}


>>> ts.authenticate(username="example-user", password="example-password", auth_type="password")
{u'token': u'eyJ0eXAi...XSnv0ghQ=='}


Returns a python datetime representing the expiration time of the current authentication token.

If an error occurs, the error is returned in a single python dict.


>>> ts.authenticate(username="username", password="user-pass", auth_type="password")
{u'token': u'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJITUFDLVNIQTUxMiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJvc3Vvc2wtdGltZXN5bmMtc3RhZ2luZyIsInN1YiI6InRlc3QiLCJleHAiOjE0NTI3MTQzMzQwODcsImlhdCI6MTQ1MjcxMjUzNDA4N30=.QP2FbiY3I6e2eN436hpdjoBFbW9NdrRUHbkJ+wr9GK9mMW7/oC/oKnutCwwzMCwjzEx6hlxnGo6/LiGyPBcm3w=='}
>>> ts.token_expiration_time()
datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 13, 11, 45, 34)


Returns a dictionary containing the user field of the specified project.

project is a string containing the desired project slug.


>> ts.project_users(project="pyme")
{u'malcolm': [u'member', u'manager'], u'jayne': [u'member'], u'kaylee': [u'member'], u'zoe': [u'member'], u'hoban': [u'member'], u'simon': [u'spectator'], u'river': [u'spectator'], u'derrial': [u'spectator'], u'inara': [u'spectator']}


Send a time entry to the TimeSync instance at the baseurl provided when instantiating the TimeSync object. This method will return a single python dictionary containing the created entry if successful. The dictionary will contain error information if create_time() was unsuccessful.

time is a python dictionary containing the time information to send to TimeSync. The syntax is "string_key": "string_value" with the exception of the key "duration" which takes an integer value, and the key "activities", which takes a list of strings containing activity slugs. create_time() accepts the following fields in time:


  • "duration" - duration of time spent working on a project. May be entered as a positive integer (which will default to seconds) or a string. As a string duration, follow the format <val>h<val>m. An internal method will convert the duration to seconds.
  • "project" - slug of project worked on
  • "user" - username of user that did the work, must match user specified in instantiation
  • "date_worked" - date worked for this time entry in the form "yyyy-mm-dd"


  • "notes" - optional notes about this time entry
  • "issue_uri" - optional uri to issue worked on
  • "activities" - list of slugs identifying the activies worked on for this time entry. If this is not provided and the project submitted has no default_activity defined by TimeSync, an error will be returned informing the user to include an activity.

Example usage:

>>> time = {
...    "duration": 1200,
...    "user": "example-2",
...    "project": "ganeti_web_manager",
...    "activities": ["docs"],
...    "notes": "Worked on documentation toward settings configuration.",
...    "issue_uri": "",
...    "date_worked": "2014-04-17"
>>> ts.create_time(time=time)
{u'activities': [u'docs'], u'deleted_at': None, u'date_worked': u'2014-04-17', u'uuid': u'838853e3-3635-4076-a26f-7efr4e60981f', u'notes': u'Worked on documentation toward settings configuration.', u'updated_at': None, u'project': u'ganeti_web_manager', u'user': u'example-2', u'duration': 1200, u'issue_uri': u'', u'created_at': u'2015-05-23', u'revision': 1}
>>> time = {
...    "duration": "3h30m",
...    "user": "example-2",
...    "project": "ganeti_web_manager",
...    "activities": ["docs"],
...    "notes": "Worked on documentation toward settings configuration.",
...    "issue_uri": "",
...    "date_worked": "2014-04-17"
>>> ts.create_time(time=time)
{u'activities': [u'docs'], u'deleted_at': None, u'date_worked': u'2014-04-17', u'uuid': u'838853e3-3635-4076-a26f-7efr4e60981f', u'notes': u'Worked on documentation toward settings configuration.', u'updated_at': None, u'project': u'ganeti_web_manager', u'user': u'example-2', u'duration': 12600, u'issue_uri': u'', u'created_at': u'2015-05-23', u'revision': 1}

TimeSync.update_time(time, uuid)

Update a time entry by uuid on the TimeSync instance specified by the baseurl provided when instantiating the TimeSync object. This method will return a python dictionary containing the updated entry if successful. The dictionary will contain error information if update_time() was unsuccessful.

time is a python dictionary containing the time information to send to TimeSync. The syntax is "string_key": "string_value" with the exception of the key "duration" which takes an integer value, and the key "activities", which takes a list of strings containing activity slugs. You only need to send the fields that you want to update.

uuid is a string containing the uuid of the time to be updated.

update_time() accepts the following fields in time:

  • "duration" - duration of time spent working on a project. May be entered as a positive integer (which will default to seconds) or a string. As a string duration, follow the format <val>h<val>m. An internal method will convert the duration to seconds.
  • "project" - slug of project worked on
  • "user" - username of user that did the work, must match user specified in authenticate()
  • "activities" - list of slugs identifying the activies worked on for this time entry
  • "date_worked" - date worked for this time entry in the form "yyyy-mm-dd"
  • "notes" - optional notes about this time entry
  • "issue_uri" - optional uri to issue worked on

Example usage:

>>> time = {
...    "duration": 1900,
...    "user": "red-leader",
...    "activities": ["hello", "world"],
>>> ts.update_time(time=time, uuid="some-uuid")
{u'activities': [u'hello', u'world'], u'date_worked': u'2015-08-07', u'updated_at': u'2015-10-18', u'user': u'red-leader', u'duration': 1900, u'deleted_at': None, u'uuid': u'some-uuid', u'notes': None, u'project': [u'ganeti'], u'issue_uri': u'', u'created_at': u'2014-06-12', u'revision': 2}

>>> time = {
...    "duration": "3h35m",
...    "user": "red-leader",
...    "activities": ["hello", "world"],
>>> ts.update_time(time=time, uuid="some-uuid")
{u'activities': [u'hello', u'world'], u'date_worked': u'2015-08-07', u'updated_at': u'2015-10-18', u'user': u'red-leader', u'duration': 12900, u'deleted_at': None, u'uuid': u'some-uuid', u'notes': None, u'project': [u'ganeti'], u'issue_uri': u'', u'created_at': u'2014-06-12', u'revision': 3}


Request time entries from the TimeSync instance specified by the baseurl provided when instantiating the TimeSync object. The time entries are filtered by parameters passed in query_parameters. Returns a list of python dictionaries containing the time information returned by TimeSync or an error message if unsuccessful. This method always returns a list, even if the list contains zero or one time object.

query_parameters is a python dictionary containing the optional query parameters described in the TimeSync documentation. If query_parameters is missing, it defaults to None, in which case get_times() will return all times the current user is authorized to see. The syntax for each argument is {"query": ["parameter1", "parameter2"]} except for the uuid parameter which is {"uuid": "uuid-as-string"} and the include_deleted and include_revisions parameters which should be set to booleans.

Currently the valid queries allowed by pymesync are:

  • user - filter time request by username

    • example: {"user": ["username"]}
  • project - filter time request by project slug

    • example: {"project": ["slug"]}
  • activity - filter time request by activity slug

    • example: {"activity": ["slug"]}
  • start - filter time request by start date

    • example: {"start": ["2014-07-23"]}
  • end - filter time request by end date

    • example: {"end": ["2015-07-23"]}
  • include_revisions - either True or False to include revisions of times. Defaults to False

    • example: {"include_revisions": True}
  • include_deleted - either True or False to include deleted times. Defaults to False

    • example: {"include_deleted": True}
  • uuid - get specific time entry by time uuid

    • example: {"uuid": "someuuid"}

    To get a deleted time by uuid, also add the include_deleted parameter.

Example usage:

>>> ts.get_times()
[{u'activities': [u'docs', u'planning'], u'date_worked': u'2014-04-17', u'updated_at': None, u'user': u'userone', u'duration': 1200, u'deleted_at': None, u'uuid': u'c3706e79-1c9a-4765-8d7f-89b4544cad56', u'notes': u'Worked on documentation.', u'project': [u'ganeti-webmgr', u'gwm'], u'issue_uri': u'', u'created_at': u'2014-04-17', u'revision': 1}, {u'activities': [u'code', u'planning'], u'date_worked': u'2014-04-17', u'updated_at': None, u'user': u'usertwo', u'duration': 1300, u'deleted_at': None, u'uuid': u'12345676-1c9a-rrrr-bbbb-89b4544cad56', u'notes': u'Worked on coding', u'project': [u'ganeti-webmgr', u'gwm'], u'issue_uri': u'', u'created_at': u'2014-04-17', u'revision': 1}, {u'activities': [u'code'], u'date_worked': u'2014-04-17', u'updated_at': None, u'user': u'userthree', u'duration': 1400, u'deleted_at': None, u'uuid': u'12345676-1c9a-ssss-cccc-89b4544cad56', u'notes': u'Worked on coding', u'project': [u'timesync', u'ts'], u'issue_uri': u'', u'created_at': u'2014-04-17', u'revision': 1}]
>>> ts.get_times({"uuid": "c3706e79-1c9a-4765-8d7f-89b4544cad56"})
[{u'activities': [u'docs', u'planning'], u'date_worked': u'2014-04-17', u'updated_at': None, u'user': u'userone', u'duration': 1200, u'deleted_at': None, u'uuid': u'c3706e79-1c9a-4765-8d7f-89b4544cad56', u'notes': u'Worked on documentation.', u'project': [u'ganeti-webmgr', u'gwm'], u'issue_uri': u'', u'created_at': u'2014-04-17', u'revision': 1}]


If the uuid parameter is passed all other parameters will be ignored except for include_deleted and include_revisions. For example, ts.get_times({"uuid": "time-entry-uuid", "user": ["bob", "rob"]}) is equivalent to ts.get_times({"uuid": "time-entry-uuid"}).


Allows the currently authenticated user to delete their own time entry by uuid.

uuid is a string containing the uuid of the time entry to be deleted.

delete_time() returns a {"status": 200} if successful or an error message if unsuccessful.

Example usage:

>>> ts.delete_time(uuid="some-uuid")
{"status": 200}


Request project entries from the TimeSync instance specified by the baseurl provided when instantiating the TimeSync object. The project entries are filtered by parameters passed in query_parameters. Returns a list of python dictionaries containing the project information returned by TimeSync or an error message if unsuccessful. This method always returns a list, even if the list contains one project object.

query_parameters is a dict containing the optional query parameters described in the TimeSync documentation. If query_parameters is empty, get_projects() will return all projects in the database. The syntax for each argument is {"query": "parameter"} or {"bool_query": <boolean>}.

The optional parameters currently supported by the TimeSync API are:

  • slug - filter project request by project slug
    • example: {"slug": "gwm"}
  • include_deleted - tell TimeSync whether to include deleted projects in request. Default is False and cannot be combined with a slug.
    • example: {"include_deleted": True}
  • include_revisions - tell TimeSync whether to include past revisions of projects in request. Default is False
    • example: {"include_revisions": True}

Example usage:

>>> ts.get_projects()
[{u'users': {u'tschuy': {u'member': true, u'spectator': false, u'manager': false}, u'mrsj': {u'member': true, u'spectator': false, u'manager': true}, u'oz': {u'member': false, u'spectator': true, u'manager': false}}, u'uuid': u'a034806c-00db-4fe1-8de8-514575f31bfb', u'deleted_at': None, u'name': u'Ganeti Web Manager', u'updated_at': u'2014-07-20', u'created_at': u'2014-07-17', u'revision': 4, u'uri': u'', u'slugs': [u'gwm']}, {u'users': {u'managers': [u'tschuy'], u'spectators': [u'tschuy', u'mrsj'], u'members': [u'patcht', u'tschuy', u'mrsj']}, u'uuid': u'a034806c-rrrr-bbbb-8de8-514575f31bfb', u'deleted_at': None, u'name': u'TimeSync', u'updated_at': u'2014-07-20', u'created_at': u'2014-07-17', u'revision': 2, u'uri': u'', u'slugs': [u'timesync', u'ts']}, {u'users': {u'managers': [u'mrsj'], u'spectators': [u'tschuy', u'mrsj'], u'members': [u'patcht', u'tschuy', u'mrsj', u'MaraJade', u'thai']}, u'uuid': u'a034806c-ssss-cccc-8de8-514575f31bfb', u'deleted_at': None, u'name': u'pymesync', u'updated_at': u'2014-07-20', u'created_at': u'2014-07-17', u'revision': 1, u'uri': u'', u'slugs': [u'pymesync', u'ps']}]
>>> ts.get_projects({"slug": "gwm"})
[{u'users': {u'tschuy': {u'member': true, u'spectator': false, u'manager': false}, u'mrsj': {u'member': true, u'spectator': false, u'manager': true}, u'oz': {u'member': false, u'spectator': true, u'manager': false}}, u'uuid': u'a034806c-00db-4fe1-8de8-514575f31bfb', u'deleted_at': None, u'name': u'Ganeti Web Manager', u'updated_at': u'2014-07-20', u'created_at': u'2014-07-17', u'revision': 4, u'uri': u'', u'slugs': [u'gwm']}]


Does not accept a slug combined with include_deleted, but does accept any other combination.


Request activity entries from the TimeSync instance specified by the baseurl provided when instantiating the TimeSync object. The activity entries are filtered by parameters passed in query_parameters. Returns a list of python dictionaries containing the activity information returned by TimeSync or an error message if unsuccessful. This method always returns a list, even if the list contains one activity object.

query_parameters contains the optional query parameters described in the TimeSync documentation. If query_parameters is empty, get_activities() will return all activities in the database. The syntax for each argument is {"query": "parameter"} or {"bool_query": <boolean>}.

The optional parameters currently supported by the TimeSync API are:

  • slug - filter activity request by activity slug
    • example: {"slug": "code"}
  • include_deleted - tell TimeSync whether to include deleted activities in request. Default is False and cannot be combined with a slug.
    • example: {"include_deleted": True}
  • include_revisions - tell TimeSync whether to include past revisions of activities in request. Default is False
    • example: {"include_revisions": True}

Example usage:

>>> ts.get_activities()
[{u'uuid': u'adf036f5-3d49-4a84-bef9-062b46380bbf', u'created_at': u'2014-04-17', u'updated_at': None, u'name': u'Documentation', u'deleted_at': None, u'slug': u'docs', u'revision': 5}, {u'uuid': u'adf036f5-3d49-bbbb-rrrr-062b46380bbf', u'created_at': u'2014-04-17', u'updated_at': None, u'name': u'Coding', u'deleted_at': None, u'slug': u'dev', u'revision': 1}, {u'uuid': u'adf036f5-3d49-cccc-ssss-062b46380bbf', u'created_at': u'2014-04-17', u'updated_at': None, u'name': u'Planning', u'deleted_at': None, u'slug': u'plan', u'revision': 1}]
>>> ts.get_activities({"slug": "docs"})
[{u'uuid': u'adf036f5-3d49-4a84-bef9-062b46380bbf', u'created_at': u'2014-04-17', u'updated_at': None, u'name': u'Documentation', u'deleted_at': None, u'slug': u'docs', u'revision': 5}]


Does not accept a slug combined with include_deleted, but does accept any other combination.


Request user entities from the TimeSync instance specified by the baseurl provided when instantiating the TimeSync object. Returns a list of python dictionaries containing the user information returned by TimeSync or an error message if unsuccessful. This method always returns a list, even if the list contains one user object.

username is an optional parameter containing a string of the specific username to be retrieved. If username is not provided, a list containing all users will be returned. Defaults to None.

Example usage:

>>> ts.get_users()
[{u'username': u'userone', u'display_name': u'One Is The Loneliest Number', u'site_admin': False, u'site_spectator': False, u'site_spectator': False, u'created_at': u'2015-02-29', u'active': True, u'deleted_at': None, u'email': u''}, {u'username': u'usertwo', u'display_name': u'Two Can Be As Bad As One', u'site_admin': False, u'site_spectator': False, u'site_manager': False, u'created_at': u'2015-02-29', u'active': True, u'deleted_at': None, u'email': u''}, {u'username': u'userthree', u'display_name': u'Yes Its The Saddest Experience', u'site_admin': False, u'site_spectator': False, u'site_manager': False, u'created_at': u'2015-02-29', u'active': True, u'deleted_at': None, u'email': u''}, {u'username': u'userfour', u'display_name': u'Youll Ever Do', u'site_admin': False, u'site_manager': False, u'site_spectator': False, u'created_at': u'2015-02-29', u'active': True, u'deleted_at': None, u'email': u''}]
>>> ts.get_users(username="userone")
[{u'username': u'userone', u'display_name': u'One Is The Loneliest Number', u'site_admin': False, u'site_spectator': False, u'site_spectator': False, u'created_at': u'2015-02-29', u'active': True, u'deleted_at': None, u'email': u''}]

Administrative methods

These methods are available to TimeSync users with administrative permissions.


Create a project on the TimeSync instance at the baseurl provided when instantiating the TimeSync object. This method will return a single python dictionary containing the created project if successful. The dictionary will contain error information if create_project() was unsuccessful.

project is a python dictionary containing the project information to send to TimeSync. The syntax is "key": "value" except for the "slugs" field, which is "slugs": ["slug1", "slug2", "slug3"]. project requires the following fields:

  • "uri"
  • "name"
  • "slugs" - this must be a list of strings

Optionally include a users field to add users to the project:

  • "users" - this must be a python dictionary containing individual user
    permissions. See example below.

Example usage:

>>> project = {
...    "uri": "",
...    "name": "TimeSync API",
...    "slugs": ["timesync", "time"],
...    "users": {"tschuy": {"member": True, "spectator": False, "manager": True},
...              "mrsj": {"member": True, "spectator": False, "manager": False},
...              "patcht": {"member": True, "spectator": False, "manager": True},
...              "oz": {"member": False, "spectator": True, "manager": False}
...             }
>>> ts.create_project(project=project)
{u'users': {u'tschuy': {u'member': true, u'spectator': false, u'manager': true}, u'mrsj': {u'member': true, u'spectator': false, u'manager': false}, u'patcht': {u'member': true, u'spectator': false, u'manager': true}, u'oz': {u'member': false, u'spectator': true, u'manager': false}}, u'deleted_at': None, u'uuid': u'309eae69-21dc-4538-9fdc-e6892a9c4dd4', u'updated_at': None, u'created_at': u'2015-05-23', u'uri': u'', u'name': u'TimeSync API', u'revision': 1, u'slugs': [u'timesync', u'time']}

TimeSync.update_project(project, slug)

Update an existing project by slug on the TimeSync instance specified by the baseurl provided when instantiating the TimeSync object. This method will return a python dictionary containing the updated project if successful. The dictionary will contain error information if update_project() was unsuccessful.

project is a python dictionary containing the project information to send to TimeSync. The syntax is "key": "value" except for the "slugs" field, which is "slugs": ["slug1", "slug2", "slug3"].

slug is a string containing the slug of the project to be updated.

If "uri", "name", or "owner" are set to "" (empty string) or "slugs" is set to [] (empty array), the value will be set to the empty string/array.

You only need to pass the fields you want to update in project.

project accepts the following fields:

  • "uri"
  • "name"
  • "slugs" - this must be a list of strings
  • "user"

Example usage:

>>> project = {
...    "uri": "",
...    "name": "pymesync",
>>> ts.update_project(project=project, slug="ps")
{u'users': {u'tschuy': {u'member': True, u'spectator': True, u'manager': True}, u'patcht': {u'member': True, u'spectator': False, u'manager': False}}, u'uuid': u'309eae69-21dc-4538-9fdc-e6892a9c4dd4', u'name': u'pymesync', u'updated_at': u'2014-04-18', u'created_at': u'2014-04-16', u'deleted_at': None, u'revision': 2, u'uri': u'', u'slugs': [u'ps']}


Allows the currently authenticated admin user to delete a project record by slug.

slug is a string containing the slug of the project to be deleted.

delete_project() returns a {"status": 200} if successful or an error message if unsuccessful.

Example usage:

>>> ts.delete_project(slug="some-slug")
{u'status': 200}


Create an activity on the TimeSync instance at the baseurl provided when instantiating the TimeSync object. This method will return a python dictionary containing the created activity if successful. The dictionary will contain error information if create_activity() was unsuccessful.

activity is a python dictionary containing the activity information to send to TimeSync. The syntax is "key": "value". activity requires the following fields:

  • "name"
  • "slug"

Example usage:

>>> activity = {
...    "name": "Quality Assurance/Testing",
...    "slug": "qa"
>>> ts.create_activity(activity=activity)
{u'uuid': u'cfa07a4f-d446-4078-8d73-2f77560c35c0', u'created_at': u'2013-07-27', u'updated_at': None, u'deleted_at': None, u'revision': 1, u'slug': u'qa', u'name': u'Quality Assurance/Testing'}

TimeSync.update_activity(activity, slug)

Update an existing activity by slug on the TimeSync instance specified by the baseurl provided when instantiating the TimeSync object. This method will return a python dictionary containing the updated activity if successful. The dictionary will contain error information if update_activity() was unsuccessful.

activity is a python dictionary containing the activity information to send to TimeSync. The syntax is "key": "value".

slug is a string containing the slug of the activity to be updated.

If "name" or "slug" in activity are set to "" (empty string), the value will be set to the empty string.

You only need to pass the fields you want to update in activity.

activity accepts the following fields to update an activity:

  • "name"
  • "slug"

Example usage:

>>> activity = {"name": "Code in the wild"}
>>> ts.update_activity(activity=activity, slug="ciw")
{u'uuid': u'3cf78d25-411c-4d1f-80c8-a09e5e12cae3', u'created_at': u'2014-04-16', u'updated_at': u'2014-04-17', u'deleted_at': None, u'revision': 2, u'slug': u'ciw', u'name': u'Code in the wild'}


Allows the currently authenticated admin user to delete an activity record by slug.

slug is a string containing the slug of the activity to be deleted.

delete_activity() returns a {"status": 200} if successful or an error message if unsuccessful.

Example usage:

>>> ts.delete_activity(slug="some-slug")
{u'status': 200}


Create a user on the TimeSync instance at the baseurl provided when instantiating the TimeSync object. This method will return a python dictionary containing the created user if successful. The dictionary will contain error information if create_user() was unsuccessful.

user is a python dictionary containing the user information to send to TimeSync. The syntax is "key": "value". user requires the following fields:

  • "username"
  • "password"

Additionally, the following parameters may be optionally included:

  • "display_name"
  • "email"
  • "site_admin" - sitewide permission, must be a boolean
  • "site_spectator" - sitewide permission , must be a boolean
  • "site_manager" - sitewide permission, must be a boolean
  • "active" - user status, usually set internally, must be a boolean

Example usage:

>>> user = {
...    "username": "example",
...    "password": "password",
...    "display_name": "X. Ample User",
...    "email": ""
>>> ts.create_user(user=user)
{u'username': u'example', u'deleted_at': None, u'display_name': u'X. Ample User', u'site_admin': False, u'site_manager': False, u'site_spectator': False, u'created_at': u'2015-05-23', u'active': True, u'email': u''}

TimeSync.update_user(user, username)

Update an existing user by username on the TimeSync instance specified by the baseurl provided when instantiating the TimeSync object. This method will return a python dictionary containing the updated user if successful. The dictionary will contain error information if update_user() was unsuccessful.

user is a python dictionary containing the user information to send to TimeSync. The syntax is "key": "value".

username is a string containing the username of the user to be updated.

You only need to pass the fields you want to update in user.

user accepts the following fields to update a user object:

  • "username"
  • "password"
  • "display_name"
  • "email"
  • "site_admin"
  • "site_manager"
  • "site_spectator"

Example usage:

>>> user = {
...    "username": "red-leader",
...    "email": ""
>>> ts.update_user(user=user, username="example")
{u'username': u'red-leader', u'display_name': u'Mr. Example', u'site_admin': False, u'site_spectator': False, u'site_manager': False, u'created_at': u'2015-02-29', u'active': True, u'deleted_at': None, u'email': u''}


Allows the currently authenticated admin user to delete a user record by username.

username is a string containing the username of the user to be deleted.

delete_user() returns a {"status": 200} if successful or an error message if unsuccessful.

Example usage:

>>> ts.delete_user(username="username")
{u'status": 200}